Send us your garden videos and the best six (three experienced and three novice) will earn their gardeners a cash prize (in Canadian Dollars) to be used towards their favourite native plant nursery. All 2024 contest prizes will be donated in memory of Deborah Chute.
Submissions accepted until September 1, 2024.
In each video, be sure to include:
In each category:
How it works:
Get ready…. and GO create the most inspiring and amazing videos ever!
Full terms and conditions can be found here.
Looking for inspiration? View previous years’ winners on our YouTube channel.
Remembering Deborah Chute
Many of you will remember Deborah Chute. Deborah was an accomplished native plant photographer, with over hundreds of photos in her personal collection. She shared her photos with many organizations, such as NANPS, Toronto Regional Conservation Authority, City of Toronto, Faith & the Common Good, Beaux Arts and the Richmond Hill Naturalists.
Deborah was absolutely passionate about native plants! She introduced the idea of a Pollinator information table at NANPS annual plant sale, and for over a decade, she organized and manned it. Deb also grew native plants from seed, and donated these plants to the Richmond Hill Garden and Horticultural Annual Plant Sale.
Deb will be sorely missed by those of us who were lucky enough to know and love her. In order to commemorate Deb and keep her memory alive, her husband, Chungsen Leung, has generously gifted $500 a year to NANPS for the next 5 years. The Deborah Chute Fund will be used to provide prizes for the winners of NANPS annual Video Contest (2021-2026). NANPS is very grateful for this generous donation.
NANPS: North American Native Plant Society<br>
PO Box 69070<br>
St. Clair PO<br>
Toronto, ON<br>
M4T 3A1<br>