NANPS Seed Exchange custom post

The 2017 – 2018 Seedex list is available for viewing at Native Plant Seed Exchange!

The NANPS Seed Exchange is open to all members across the continent and relies on your participation. If you are not yet a member, you may join online now or include your membership form with your seed request.

The NANPS seed exchange started in 1988 and has been running continuously ever since. There are over 10,000 species of vascular plants native to temperate North America. Our seed exchange offers you the chance to increase the population of a few of these. Please help North American flora to flourish by growing locally native plants in your own garden and offering some of their seed to our Exchange.

Seeds are most often contributed from NANPS members’ gardens but donations of seed ethically collected (less than 10% from a healthy population of relatively common species; otherwise do not collect!) from wild sources is also welcome. Once seed is sent to us we endeavour to store it appropriately (e.g. moist medium for hydrophilic seed, refrigeration at the appropriate time). We are only able to do this after the seed is mailed to us.

Seed Donation

NANPS Seedex List

Germination Requirements