Name | Details | Image | Order |
Abies balsamea (details) Balsam Fir Web Only 2 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Light Requirements: Sun, part shade, shade Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Acer pensylvanicum (details) Striped Maple 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Acer rubrum (details) Red Maple Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Acer saccharum (details) Sugar Maple Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Acer spicatum (details) Mountain Maple 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Achillea millefolium (details) Yarrow 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Acorus americanus (details) Sweet Flag 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: wet | Price: $7 | |
Actaea pachypoda (details) White Baneberry 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: | Price: $10 | |
Actaea rubra (details) Red Baneberry 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: | Price: $10 | |
Adiantum pedatum (details) Maidenhair fern 4.5 in | Plant Type: Fern Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Aesculus glabra (details) Ohio Buckeye 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Agastache foeniculum (details) Anise hyssop 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Agastache nepetoides (details) Yellow giant Hyssop 1 Gal | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $10 | |
Agastache scrophulariifolia (details) Purple Giant Hyssop 1 Gal | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry | Price: $10 | |
Ageratina altissima (details) White Snakeroot 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Allium canadense (details) Wild Garlic 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Allium cernuum (details) Wild Nodding Onion 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Allium schoenoprasum (details) Wild Chives 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Allium tricoccum (details) Wild Leek 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Alnus incana (details) Speckled Alder Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Light Requirements: sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Amelanchier alnifolia (details) Saskatoon Berry 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Light Requirements: Full sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Amelanchier laevis (details) Smooth Serviceberry 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $15 | |
Anaphalis margaritacea (details) Pearly Everlasting 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: part sun, sun Soil Moisture: dry | Price: $7 | |
Andropogon gerardii (details) Big Bluestem 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Anemone canadensis (details) Canada Anemone 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Anemone cylindrica (details) Long headed Anemone 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Anemone virginiana (details) Common Thimbleweed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Angelica atropurpurea (details) Purple Angelica 4.5 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Apocynum androsaemifolium (details) Spreading Dogbane 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Apocynum cannabinum (details) Hemp-dogbane 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Aquilegia canadensis (details) Wild Columbine 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry | Price: $7 | |
Aralia racemosa (details) Spikenard 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (details) Bearberry 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Argentina anserina (details) Silverweed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Arisaema dracontium (details) green dragon 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Arisaema triphyllum (details) Jack in the Pulpit 4.5 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Aronia melanocarpa (details) Chokeberry 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: Sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Artemisia campestris (details) Tall Wormwood 4.5 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry | Price: $7 | |
Asarum canadense (details) Wild Ginger 4.5 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Asclepias exaltata (details) Poke Milkweed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Asclepias incarnata (details) Swamp Milkweed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Asclepias sullivantii (details) Sullivant's Milkweed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, dry | Price: $7 | |
Asclepias syriaca (details) Common Milkweed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, dry | Price: $7 | |
Asclepias tuberosa (details) Butterfly milkweed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Asclepias verticillata (details) Whorled Milkweed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Asimina triloba (details) Pawpaw 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $25 | |
Astragalus canadensis (details) Canada milkvetch 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Betula papyrifera (details) White Birch Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Sun, part shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Bouteloua curtipendula (details) Side Oats Grama 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Brachyelytrum erectum (details) Bearded Shorthusk 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Calamintha arkansana (details) Wild Savory 4.5 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Beach, Lakeside Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Campanula rotundifolia (details) Harebell 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Carex aurea (details) Golden Fruited Sedge 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $10 | |
Carex bebbii (details) Bebb's Sedge Web Only 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Carex eburnea (details) Black Fruited Sedge 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Carex muskingumensis (details) Palm Sedge 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Carex plantaginea (details) Plantain-leaved Sedge 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $10 | |
Carex vulpinoidea (details) Fox Sedge Web Only 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Carpinus caroliniana (details) Blue Beech 2 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: Sun-Part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Carya cordiformis (details) Bitternut Hickory 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: mesic wet | Price: $15 | |
Carya glabra (details) Pignut Hickory Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Carya ovata (details) Shagbark Hickory Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Caulophyllum species (details) Blue Cohosh 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $10 | |
Ceanothus americanus (details) New Jersey Tea 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: Sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Celastrus scandens (details) American Bittersweet 2 Gal | Plant Type: Vine Habitat: Fields, Roadside, Disturbed Light Requirements: sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $30 | |
Celtis occidentalis (details) Hackberry 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Cephalanthus occidentalis (details) Buttonbush 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: Sun-Part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Chamerion angustifolium (details) Fireweed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Chelone glabra (details) White Turtlehead 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Cirsium discolor (details) Field thistle 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Clematis virginiana (details) Virgin's Bower 1 Gal | Plant Type: Vine Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Coreopsis lanceolata (details) Lanceleaved Coreopsis 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Coreopsis tripteris (details) Tall Coreopsis 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Cornus alternifolia (details) Alternate-leaved Dogwood 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Light Requirements: All Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Cornus amomum (details) Silky Dogwood 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Cornus florida (details) Flowering Dogwood 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Half Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Cornus racemosa (details) Grey Dogwood / Gray Dogwood 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Sun-Part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Cornus sericea (details) Red-osier Dogwood 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: Sun-Part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Corylus americana (details) American Hazel 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Part sun-Shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $15 | |
Cystopteris bulbifera (details) Bulblet bladderfern 4 in | Plant Type: Fern Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Deschampsia caespitosa (details) Tufted Hair Grass 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: wet | Price: $7 | |
Desmodium canadense (details) Showy Tick-trefoil 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Diervilla lonicera (details) Bush Honeysuckle 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Light Requirements: Sun-Part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $15 | |
Dioscorea villosa (details) Wild Yam 4 in | Plant Type: Vine Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Doellingeria umbellata (details) Flat-topped White Aster 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Drymocallis arguta (details) Tall Cinquefoil 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Dryopteris marginalis (details) Marginal Wood Fern 4.5 in | Plant Type: Fern Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: | Price: $10 | |
Echinacea pallida (details) Pale Purple Coneflower 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Elymus canadensis (details) Canada Wild Rye 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Elymus hystrix (details) Bottlebrush Grass 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Elymus virginicus (details) Virginia Wild Rye 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Eragrostis pectinacea (details) Tufted Lovegrass 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Eupatorium perfoliatum (details) Boneset 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Eurybia divaricata (details) White Wood Aster 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Eurybia macrophylla (details) Big-leaved Aster 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Euthamia graminifolia (details) Lance-leaved Goldenrod 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Eutrochium maculatum (details) Spotted Joe Pye weed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Eutrochium purpureum (details) Purple Joe Pye weed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Festuca saximontana (details) Rocky Mountain Fescue 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: prairies, roadsides, forest openings Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Fragaria virginiana (details) Wild strawberry 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, dry | Price: $7 | |
Gaultheria procumbens (details) Wintergreen 4.5 in | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Geranium maculatum (details) Wild Geranium 1 Gal | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Geum canadense (details) White Geum 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Geum triflorum (details) Prairie Smoke 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Gymnocladus dioicus (details) Kentucky Coffeetree Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Helenium autumnale (details) Sneezeweed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Helianthus divaricatus (details) Woodland Sunflower 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Helianthus giganteus (details) Tall Sunflower 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Helianthus strumosus (details) Pale-leaved Sunflower 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Heliopsis helianthoides (details) false sunflower 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Hibiscus moscheutos (details) Swamp Rose Mallow 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Hierochloe odorata (details) Sweet Grass 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Hydrophyllum virginianum (details) Virginia Waterleaf 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Hylodesmum glutinosum (details) Pointed-leaved ticktrefoil 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Hypericum prolificum (details) Shrubby St. John’s-wort 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Iris versicolor (details) Blue Flag Iris 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Iris virginica (details) Pale Blue flag Iris 1 Gal | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: wet | Price: $15 | |
Juglans cinerea (details) Butternut Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $30 | |
Juglans nigra (details) Black Walnut Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Juniperus horizontalis (details) Creeping Juniper 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Light Requirements: Sun Soil Moisture: Dry, Mesic | Price: $15 | |
Larix laricina (details) Tamarack 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: Full sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Lespedeza capitata (details) Round headed bush clover 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Liatris aspera (details) Rough Blazing Star 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Liatris cylindracea (details) Cylindric Blazing Star 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Liatris spicata (details) Dense Blazing Star 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Lindera benzoin (details) Spicebush 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Liriodendron tulipifera (details) Tulip Tree 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Light Requirements: Sun-Part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Lobelia cardinalis (details) Cardinal Flower 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Lobelia kalmii (details) Kalm's lobelia 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Lobelia siphilitica (details) Great Blue Lobelia 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Lonicera canadensis (details) Fly-honeysuckle 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Lysimachia ciliata (details) Fringed Loosestrife 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Lysimachia quadriflora (details) Prairie Loosestrife 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Lythrum alatum (details) Winged Loosestrife 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Maianthemum canadense (details) Canada Mayflower 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic, wet | Price: $10 | |
Maianthemum racemosum (details) False Solomon's Seal 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Maianthemum stellatum (details) Starry False Solomons Seal 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Matteuccia struthiopteris (details) Ostrich Fern 4.5 in | Plant Type: Fern Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Mimulus ringens (details) Monkeyflower 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Mitella diphylla (details) Mitrewort 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Monarda didyma (details) Beebalm 1 Gal | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Monarda fistulosa (details) Wild Bergamot 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Monarda punctata (details) Horsemint 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Morella pensylvanica (details) Bayberry 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Half to Full Soil Moisture: dry, mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Muhlenbergia mexicana var mexicana (details) Mexican Satin Grass 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Myrica gale (details) Sweet Gale 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Oenothera biennis (details) Evening Primrose 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Oenothera pilosella (details) Meadow Sundrops 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Fields, Meadows Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Onoclea sensibilis (details) Sensitive Fern 4 in | Plant Type: Fern Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $10 | |
Opuntia humifusa (details) Prickly Pear Cactus 4.5 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry | Price: $15 | |
Osmunda regalis (details) Royal fern 4.5 in | Plant Type: Fern Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $10 | |
Ostrya virginiana (details) Ironwood 4x6 in | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, parat sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $10 | |
Packera aurea (details) Golden Ragwort 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Packera paupercula (details) Balsam ragwort 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Panicum virgatum (details) Switchgrass 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Penstemon digitalis (details) Foxglove Beardtongue 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Penstemon hirsutus (details) Hairy Beardtongue 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, dry | Price: $7 | |
Phlox divaricata (details) Blue phlox 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Physalis heterophylla (details) Clammy Ground Cherry Web Only 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Physocarpus opulifolius (details) Ninebark 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Light Requirements: Sun-Part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $15 | |
Physostegia virginiana (details) Obedient Plant 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, parat sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Picea glauca (details) White Spruce Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Pinus strobus (details) White Pine 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Sun-Part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Platanus occidentalis (details) Sycamore Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Podophyllum peltatum (details) May-apple 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Polystichum acrostichoides (details) Christmas fern 4.5 in | Plant Type: Fern Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Potentilla fruticosa (details) Shrubby Cinquefoil 4 in | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Prenanthes altissima (details) Tall White Lettuce 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Prunus pumila (details) Beach Sand Cherry 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Beach, Lakeside Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry mesic | Price: $15 | |
Prunus serotina (details) Black Cherry 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $15 | |
Prunus virginiana (details) Chokecherry 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $15 | |
Pseudognaphalium macounii (details) Macoun’s Cudweed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Ptelea trifoliata (details) Hop Tree 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Light Requirements: sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $15 | |
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (details) Slender Mountain Mint 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Savannah Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Pycnanthemum verticillatum (details) Hairy Mountain Mint 4.5 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $10 | |
Pycnanthemum virginianum (details) Virginia Mountain Mint 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Quercus alba (details) White Oak Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Quercus bicolor (details) Swamp White Oak Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Light Requirements: half sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Quercus macrocarpa (details) Bur Oak 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Quercus muehlenbergii (details) Chinquapin Oak 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Quercus rubra (details) Red Oak Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $15 | |
Quercus velutina (details) Black Oak Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Ranunculus abortivus (details) Small Flowered Buttercup 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Ratibida pinnata (details) Grey-headed Coneflower 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Rhus aromatica (details) Fragrant Sumac 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $15 | |
Rhus copallina (details) Winged Sumac Web Only 2 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $30 | |
Rhus typhina (details) Staghorn Sumac Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $15 | |
Ribes americanum (details) Wild Black Currant 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Rosa blanda (details) Smooth Rose 4 in | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Light Requirements: Sun-Part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Rosa palustris (details) Swamp Rose Web Only 4 in | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Rubus idaeus (details) Wild Red Raspberry 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Light Requirements: sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Rubus odoratus (details) Purple-flowering Raspberry 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $15 | |
Rudbeckia hirta (details) Black-eyed Susan 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Rudbeckia laciniata (details) Green-headed Coneflower 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Salix discolor (details) Pussy Willow 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Full sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $15 | |
Sambucus canadensis (details) Common Elderberry 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Sambucus pubens (details) Red-berried Elder 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Sanguinaria canadensis (details) Bloodroot 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Schizachyrium scoparium (details) Little Bluestem 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry | Price: $7 | |
Scrophularia marilandica (details) Carpenter's Square 4.5 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: parat sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Scutellaria lateriflora (details) Mad Dog Skullcap 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Senna hebecarpa (details) Wild Senna 1 Gal | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: | Price: $10 | |
Shepherdia canadensis (details) Soapberry 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Silphium laciniatum (details) Compass Plant 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Silphium perfoliatum (details) Cup Plant 1 Gal | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Silphium terebinthinaceum (details) Prairie Dock 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Sisyrinchium montanum (details) Blue-eyed Grass 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Solidago bicolor (details) Silverrod Goldenrod 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Solidago caesia (details) Blue-stemmed Goldenrod 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Solidago flexicaulis (details) Zig-zag Goldenrod 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic, dry | Price: $7 | |
Solidago juncea (details) Early Goldenrod 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry | Price: $7 | |
Solidago nemoralis (details) Grey Goldenrod 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry | Price: $7 | |
Solidago ohioensis (details) Ohio Goldenrod 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: wet | Price: $7 | |
Solidago ptarmicoides (details) Upland White Aster 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry | Price: $7 | |
Solidago riddellii (details) Riddell's Goldenrod 1 Gal | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $10 | |
Solidago rigida (details) Stiff Goldenrod 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry | Price: $7 | |
Solidago squarrosa (details) Stout Goldenrod 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Fields, Roadside, Disturbed Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Solidago uliginosa (details) Bog Goldenrod 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: wet | Price: $7 | |
Sorbus americana (details) American Mountain Ash 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Sorghastrum nutans (details) Indian Grass 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Spiraea alba (details) Meadowsweet 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Spiraea tomentosa (details) Steeplebush Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Sporobolus cryptandrus (details) Sand Dropseed Web Only 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Sporobolus heterolepis (details) Prairie Dropseed 4 in | Plant Type: Grass/Sedge/Rush Habitat: Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry | Price: $7 | |
Stylophorum diphyllum (details) Wood Poppy 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Symphyotrichum cordifolium (details) Heart leaved Aster 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Symphyotrichum ericoides (details) Heath Aster 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Fields, Roadside, Disturbed Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Symphyotrichum laeve (details) Smooth Aster 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum (details) Lance Leafed Aster 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Light Requirements: part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $7 | |
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae (details) New England Aster 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Symphyotrichum oolentangiense (details) Sky-blue Aster 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Symphyotrichum puniceum (details) Swamp Aster 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Symphyotrichum urophyllum (details) Arrow-leaved Aster 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Taenidia integerrima (details) Yellow Pimpernel 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Thalictrum dioicum (details) Early Meadow-rue 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Thalictrum pubescens (details) Tall Meadow Rue 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Thuja occidentalis (details) White Cedar Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: wet | Price: $15 | |
Tilia americana (details) Basswood Web Only 2 Gal | Plant Type: Tree Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $28 | |
Tradescantia ohiensis (details) Ohio Spiderwort 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Trillium erectum (details) Red trillium 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $22 | |
Trillium grandiflorum (details) White Trillium 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $10 | |
Verbena hastata (details) Blue Vervain 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 | |
Verbena simplex (details) Narrow-leaved Vervain 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Fields, Roadside, Disturbed Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Verbena stricta (details) Hoary Vervain 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $7 | |
Vernonia missurica (details) Missouri Ironweed 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Veronicastrum virginicum (details) Culver's Root 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Prairie Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Viburnum cassinoides (details) Wild Raisin 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: | Price: $15 | |
Viburnum dentatum (details) Southern Arrowwood 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Light Requirements: shade Soil Moisture: wet | Price: $15 | |
Viburnum lentago (details) Nannyberry 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: Sun-Part sun Soil Moisture: dry, mesic | Price: $15 | |
Viburnum trilobum (details) Highbush Cranberry Web Only 1 Gal | Plant Type: Shrub Habitat: Wetland Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $15 | |
Viola sororia (details) Common Blue Violet 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Light Requirements: sun, p art sun, shade Soil Moisture: mesic | Price: $7 | |
Zizia aurea (details) Golden Alexanders 4 in | Plant Type: Herbaceous Habitat: Woodland Edge Light Requirements: sun, part sun Soil Moisture: mesic, wet | Price: $7 |