Join other NANPS members on Sunday, July 14, 2019 for an excursion to Zinkan Island Cove, Bruce County (near Lion’s Head) at 9:50AM
Zinkan Island Cove is a 5 hectare property of the west shore of the Bruce Peninsula owned by the North American Native Plant Society, and is designated as an Area of Natural or Scientific Interest (ANSI). This trip is a joint venture for NANPS and the Field Botanists of Ontario (FBO) to explore and inventory the site.
Most of the site is densely wooded with balsam fir, trembling aspen, white cedar, and white birch, with a diverse understory. The remainder of the property is a shoreline alvar dominated by Smooth Twig-rush (Cladium mariscoides), Canada Blue-joint grass (Calamagrostis canadensis), Slender Sedge and sweet gale (Myrica gale).
Register on Eventbrite today as spots are limited! Tickets are $15.
Visit the NANPS website for more information on Zinkan Island Cove.
NANPS: North American Native Plant Society<br>
PO Box 69070<br>
St. Clair PO<br>
Toronto, ON<br>
M4T 3A1<br>