Speaker Series: Tracing the Roots of Native Plants with Paul LaPorte
Date: Wednesday April 11, 2018, 7:30 pm
Location: Toronto Botanical Garden, 777 Lawrence Ave. East, Toronto
Admission: NANPS Members $5, Non-members $10
Tickets are available online.
Register online and receive a free packet of local native plant seeds at the door. Your name will also included in a draw for a NANPS PLant Sale* voucher.
*The NANPS Plant Sale will be held at TBG on Saturday May 5th.
On Wednesday April 11th, 7:30 pm 2018, Paul will be presenting Tracing the Roots of Native Plants. Paul will explore what defines a ‘native’ plant, and look at the evolution of plants and the impact of people on our native plant communities. An emphasis will be placed the native plants of Ontario and how they came to flourish in the area. Paul will also be speaking at TBG on April 25th! Tickets for April 25th talk available here.
Paul Laporte is the owner of Ephemeral Ark Nursery (specializing in native woodland species). Living in the Greenbelt of the GTA, he has stewarded and studied numerous native plant communities within multiple ecotypes and varied microclimates. He maintains a strong knowledge of Ontario native plant species and regularly consults on ecological gardening and design. Paul is a past president of the North American Native Plant Society and is a passionate advocate on the importance of native plants.